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Be an Achiever

A motivational book for people who want to get things done. Contains checklists and hints on topics such as chairing meetings, writing a C.V., solving problems, time saving and much more. (113p) 

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Getting Your Ideas Across

A handbook to help improve your listening, speaking, speaking and writing skills. (226p)

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Managing for Tomorrow

If you are a new manager this book is for you. A practical book showing you how to carry out change, improve staff performance, avoid chaos, build teams, reduce stress, and advance your career. (209p)

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New Horizons

A motivational book for people changing careers, retiring early, facing redundancy, returning to the work force or seeking international work. (112p)

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With people losing jobs ever week, and even those in work worrying about job security, there has never been a better time for this useful little book.
If you are looking for work, If you have lost your job, If you have graduated and cannot get a job, If you have been demobbed from the armed services, If you are taking an early retirement, If you are returning to the work force after a prolonged absence, If you are looking for international work – then this book is for you! (108p)

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Persuasive Ways

‘Tricks of the trade’ to get your ideas across.
Discover the communication secrets to influence people and make winning presentations. Also sells as “Communication Secrets”. (181p)

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Revitalise Your Business

A practical workbook to help you plan, restructure and revitalise your business. A useful guide to improve staff performance, recruit to build winning teams and get things done efficiently. (300p)

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Rolling On

Work adventures in many lands

Geoffrey Moss has worked in 16 countries and shares his many exciting adventures with his readers. History through his eyes told with humour and his lessons learned. Well illustrated. (332p.) 

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A Rolling Stone

Geoffrey Moss shares his often amusing and thought-provoking adventures in many lands. He tells his story as a series of anecdotes from a farm cadet to a senior United Nations development planner. (211p)

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Secrets for New Managers

A collection of guidelines and helpful advice

A decade of articles from “Today’s Manager”, the official bi-monthly publication of the Singapore Institute of Management
Cengage Learning Asia) is the exclusive international distributor for the English version of our “Secret” series of seven titles.

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Secrets for Success

This book could change your life

Written for people who want to succeed in their careers. It is a distillation of advice from successful people in many countries. “This book could change your life”. 
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Cengage Learning Asia) is the exclusive international distributor for the English version of our “Secret” series of seven titles. 
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Survival Skills for New Managers

Tells you how to start managing. Takes you back to the basics and is full of advice from experienced managers. Published in eight countries. (179p) 

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The Trainer’s HandbooK

Tells you how to start managing. Takes you back to the basics and is full of advice from experienced managers. Published in eight countries. (179p) 

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A collection of guidelines and helpful advice

Guidelines and checklists for getting things done efficiently and quickly. Tips for 55 topics ranging from problem solving and negotiation to conducting meetings and interviews, writing reports and giving speeches. (163p)

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Time-Savers for Busy People

A collection of guidelines and helpful advice

Guidelines and checklists for getting things done efficiently and quickly. Tips for 55 topics ranging from problem solving and negotiation to conducting meetings and interviews, writing reports and giving speeches. (163p)

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Training Secrets

Helping Adults Learn

A basic international trainer’s guide. Tells you how to plan and manage training. Introduces you to many training techniques with special emphasis on participative training. (190p)

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